Monday, February 18, 2008

the joys of a four year old

I don't know if he learned it in school or if it just comes naturally for him but Isaac is very expressive with his emotions, especially when he's angry. This has created some fantastic moments recently that had me laughing so hard I cried. Of course I had to go to my room so that Isaac wouldn't see that I thought his behavior was amusing, but it was classic all the same. These outbursts usually came after he was told he couldn't do something like play video games or go outside in his underwear.

the first outburst......
"Mom, we're not friends anymore. You made me mad and I don't want to ever talk or play with you again. WE'RE NOT FRIENDS!!!!" He then folded his arms and stormed off to his room.

the second outburst.....
"You are a bad daddy! you made me angry and that made me cry so you are a bad daddy!!" all this while he was shaking his finger at his father.

the third outburst.....
"Cormac you need a time out!!! I'm so mad at you baby, go to your room until you can be nice!" (I think that line he got from me.)

the fourth outburst.....
me-"Isaac you need to clean your room"
Isaac-"mom, I don't like that word and I don't want to ever hear you say it again."
me-"what word, clean your room?"
Isaac-"yes, that's a very naughty word and if you say it again you'll have to be in trouble, because it's not nice and you don't say it. It makes me very angry when you do that"
It was a nice try but it didn't work, he still had to clean his room. I was very impressed with the effort though, I wish I had been that inventive as a child.

Isaac really is an awesome kid and we are having so much fun with him. His vocabulary seems to double everyday and I love the stories he can now share with us. I can't believe my baby is so big, it went way too fast.


Shelley said...

Evan totally tries to parent me too. I read a technique in a parenting book recently where you "have an energy drain" when your kid is whining or fighting or whatever. You tell your kid that misbehavior really drains your energy and ask the child how they would like to replenish your energy level and give them options of chores they can do. I tried this once on Evan. He kept dawdling during the chore, hoping that I would do it for him, so I gave him a time limit and said if he didn't get it done in ten minutes then he'd have to do a second chore. During our second chore he piped in with, "Gee, this really drains my energy!" I told him that he could replenish his with a nap. I just thought it was funny that after I'd only used this technique one time he caught onto me and used the same trick on me!

KatieB said...

rylee's got some doosies as well. i liked the cleaning the room story. that it is a dirty word!

Mrs. Godfrey said...

Hilarious. I'm laughing my head off.

Grandma Karla said...


I love your blog!! Reading about the boys just makes my day!

Anonymous said...

I love all your blogs but this one made me laugh until I cried! :) Thanks for all the blogs you put up. I really really love them all! It makes it feel like you guys aren't so far away. :)

Starley Family said...

Cute that he's already found excused not to clean his room. You are such a good mom Ang.